
International Conferences, Workshops and Symposiums

1] Scalability of SuperLU Solvers for Large Scale Complex Reservoir Simulations, A. Duran, M.S. Çelebi and M. Tunçel, Int. Conference for Mathematical Methods in Fluid Dynamics and Simulation of Giant Oil and Gas Reservoirs, Joint SPE and SIAM Conf., Istanbul, Turkey, Sept. 3-5, 2012.

White Papers

1] Scalable and Improved SuperLU on GPU for Heterogeneous Systems, M.Serdar ÇELEBİ, Ahmet DURAN, Mehmet TUNÇEL and Bora AKAYDIN, PRACE (partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe), PN:283493, PRACE-2IP white paper, Available on line at, july 13, 2012.

2] Design and Implementation of New Hybrid Algorithm and Solver on CPU for Large Sparse Linear Systems, Ahmet DURAN, M.Serdar ÇELEBİ, Mehmet TUNÇEL and Bora AKAYDIN, PRACE (partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe), PRACE-2IP white paper, Available on line at, july 13, 2012.